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Company news

Statement on prohibited words for online promotion

作者:南京索安 发布时间:2021-03-02点击:180

To our customers and members of the public:

Nanjing Suoan Electronics Co., Ltd. has been dedicated to research and development technology, product production and technical services since its establishment. As a small and micro enterprise, the company's work in all aspects is growing and standardizing, and it is inseparable from the care and support of all walks of life. ; But at the same time, there are still deficiencies in corporate publicity and other aspects. Recently, the company has discovered that some of the original online publicity related to Suoan companies and product publicity have language problems. In order to further comply with various national laws and regulations and standardize corporate publicity, our company has tried to delete relevant publicity content that is prohibited by the advertising law issued by our company in accordance with the "Advertising Law" and related regulations. Currently, there are network promotions issued by employees other than our company. Since our company does not have the account password of the relevant website, the deletion operation cannot be carried out, etc., our company has sent a letter to the relevant website to delete it. Now our company makes the following statement on the prohibited words for online promotion:

1. Any advertisements posted by our resigned staff have nothing to do with our company, do not represent our company's behavior and are invalid;

2. The network promotion content about our products published by the current staff of our company outside our official website has nothing to do with our company; it does not represent our company's behavior and is invalid;

3. The content and words of online advertisements published by other companies or individuals in the name of our company have nothing to do with our company, and do not represent our company's actions and are invalid;

4. The advertisements about our products are subject to our official website (website www.njsadz.com).

5. This statement is in the news section of our company's website. All people and customers who visit our company's website indicate that this content is acquiesced.

Hereby declare!

                                                 Nanjing Suoan Electronics Co., Ltd.

                                                March 02, 2020
